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Before 1905, the Brotherhood was under the supervision of the council of the factory (parochial council). After the separation of church and state property, presidents were elected.
1872 - CUO Claude
Ricard Alphonse before 1905
1905-1923 - PAULEAU Michel
1923-1931 - NICOLAS François
1931-1950 - PAULEAU Lucien
1950-1970 - PAULEAU Julien
1970-1986 - PAULEAU Marcel
1986-1996 - GONTIER Francois
1996-2001 - PAULEAU Yves
2001-2011 - NICOLAS Bernard
2011-2017 - NICOLAS Anne-Marie & FAURE Henri, co-presidents.
2017-2020 - NICOLAS Anne-Marie & JOUVE Dominique, co-presidents.
2020-....... - CESTIER Danielle & JOUVE Dominique, co-chairs.
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